Trusted in Providing Financial Management Services
A Life-Changing Vision
At Coos Elderly Services, we've discovered that helping people balance their books can often mean bringing balance into their lives as well.
Our Mission
Is to provide financial management services to the elderly and other vulnerable members of our community. The day-to-day experience of that mission abounds with far-reaching benefits and consequences. Since our founding in 1991, Coos Elderly Services has come to represent a pioneering social services program that improves and changes lives.
A Commitment to Care
Sr. Mary Laetice Williams, RSM, Founder, drew upon her years of ministry as a Sisters of Mercy nursing home administrator and accountant when she created our innovative agency. She recognized the difficulties experienced by elderly individuals who were attempting to manage their finances following an illness or the death of a spouse. Sr. Laetice and one other volunteer began making home visits and offering hands-on help with insurance and personal finances.
As our fledgling agency attracted referrals from community and governmental agencies and institutions, our number of clients increased along with the complexity of their needs. While continuing to assist the elderly, Coos Elderly Services began to serve individuals of all ages who are physically and/or developmentally disabled or struggling with mental illness.
Donation Information
Temporarily unavailable, however donations can be made by mail to Coos Elderly Services, Inc. 390 S. 2nd St., Coos Bay, OR 97420.
Donations Keep Us Going Thank You for Your Support
Coos Elderly Services is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt corporation that is supported by volunteers, donations, grants, client reimbursements, and fees that are charged according to the client's ability to pay.
Many clients can pay only a small amount, and some cannot pay at all. The life-enhancing, and sometimes life-saving work of Coos Elderly Services depends upon the interest and generosity of our community.